Tiepolo Honeymostly defunct, transferred intent and what was at one time an optimistic idea to dirty beloved | |
"Twentieth century art was a shallow comedy aimed at specialists and sophisticates. In the new millenium, the theoretical collapse has revealed the need for works of art that are once again relevant and committed to human issues. At a time when the art establishment lacks the basic authority to repossess any artistic phenomenon whatsoever, we common people still feast on "obsolete" or "lesser" but uncontestably vital forms of art: commercial music and cinema, academic or Great Masters painting, classical literature and music, popular myth, etc..." What would you recommend for your audience to better understand your paintings? "To specialists, I would ask them to do what other people do: let ourselves go, to dream, to make the instinctual connections. For the rest, don't forget my paintings are works of love, not programmatic constructs. If I make you fall in love a bit, be lenient; if I fail, have no mercy." Daniel Lezama # 21:18 Sergei Rimshevski especially De vogelvanger, — Galerie Lilja Zakirova which also has beautiful work by Raoef Mamedov Ω{Rimshevski has the most accurate and protective depiction of childhood sexuality I've ever seen. The nearness of it without the exploitation and forced confrontation of Babylon. And it's suffused with protective love. Saintly protective love.} # 20:24