Tiepolo Honeymostly defunct, transferred intent and what was at one time an optimistic idea to dirty beloved | |
The Kingdom Slept Edmund Dulac at PODkids # 14:30 S C E N E S O F A M E R I C A N L I F E NMAA/Ryder # 14:21 Criteria Christopher Mulrooney # 14:12 Millard Sheets ___ Tenement Flats NMAA/Ryder ___ Island Girl Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco ___ at Karges Fine Art (not in online inventory) ___ Angel's Flight LACMA ___ "In accordance with this mandate, the Millard Sheets Gallery is dedicated to promoting cultural awareness and aesthetic appreciation by making art available to everyone. By providing our large and diverse audience of over 400,000 an introduction to art, aesthetics and the museum experience, it strives to expand knowledge and enrich lives." # 13:30 "So, loving the Berkshire landscape, loving the glare of sunlight on the snow, loving the blue shadows, and the depths of space, loving that world in sunshine and under clouds, loving all the world and life…I painted." Snow Fields (Winter in the Berkshires) Rockwell Kent NMAA/Ryder # 13:20 Francesca Charles Edward Halle # 13:00 Victory Flag over Reichstag1945 —Evgeny Khaldei # 12:58 National Guard Arrest, Sit-in, Cambridge, Maryland Danny Lyon Corcoran # 12:56 Tintern Village web site # 12:50 Francis Bacon Image Gallery_Peter Lacy: "And then much later, for some reason, he sent this telegram asking me to go out and stay with him again in Tangier. It was all over between us, but like a fool I went. Peter wasn't there when I arrived. Of course. But there was this Abab boy, it sounds perfectly mad, but he was sitting up in a fig tree in the courtyard and he asked whether he could pick the figs. I said yes, certainly he could. And in the end he climbed in through the window, and he was terribly good-looking. Then Peter came back, I'm afraid, and found us both in bed, and he got so absolutely mad he went round and broke every single thing in the place. Even though there was nothing between us any more. I had to go out and try and spend the night on the beach. By that time Peter was drinking three bottles of whiskey a day, which no one can take. He was killing himself with drink. He set out to do it, like suicide, and I think in the end his pancreas simply exploded. Anyway, after that disastrous trip, I had no news of him until the day the exhibition of mine opened at the Tate Gallery (1962) and, along with all the other telegrams, I got this one saying he had just died." # 12:14 Groundswell Edward Hopper Corcoran # 11:54 Pastoral F. Cayley Robinson Tate Online ____________________ Garden Party George Tooker ___ image at Tigertail Virtual Museum _____________________ from Robinson's Moonlit Lake at PODkids # 11:16